Finding Wisdom through living an Authentic Life: December’s New Moon & Solar Eclipse.

On 4th December 2021 at 6:43pm (AEDT), we will be having a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in 12°Sagittarius. If you don’t live where Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) is used, the New Moon occurs at 7:43am (UT/GMT). This is a total eclipse, but for us in Tasmania we will only see a partial eclipseContinue reading “Finding Wisdom through living an Authentic Life: December’s New Moon & Solar Eclipse.”

Solar Eclipse in Gemini: thinking with the heart.

The New Moon on June 10th 2021 8:52pm AEST is also a Solar Eclipse, as the Sun will be eclipsed by the Moon for a brief period of time. This brief moment in time is like the flick of a switch: something is stopped and then started again, like a reboot. Something is ‘blacked out’ and then revealed. Also, signify a time for new beginnings, a time to prepare for the future and set things on the path to growth. And, occurring in Gemini, the sign of the mind, this eclipse can be seen as revealing matters of thought, fact and truth.